As a rule, Dustin & I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. I think we decided this after we realized that the thoughtfulness of the holiday was really going downhill the more time we were together. On the Valentine’s Day, when we were first dating, Dustin got me flowers. Now, he didn’t just go to the grocery store and get flowers, no he went to a florist…and even then stepped behind the counter to hand pick and practically arrange the bouquet himself. We knew that this phase in our life was over when Lily was about 2 1/2, and he got me some flowers, of which, Lily proudly announced: “We got those from a lady on the side of the road.” So, I guess that I thought Valentine’s Day was over for us…until last year when he got me a road bike. Yep, a road bike. So I decided this year I’d better do something…so here it is:
The Top Ten reasons I’m Stickin’ with Dustin:
Ten: He has an uncharacteristically really funny laugh.
Nine: Even though he’s dyslexic, he’s great at reading to the kids (unless it’s The Secret Garden, apparently it’s not easy to read a cockney accent).
Eight: He makes the best hot chocolate and Swedish pancakes. (For those of you who don’t know, Swedish pancakes are crepes…Dustin insists on calling them Swedish pancakes.)
Seven: He’s exceptionally good at designing and building homes.
Six: He brushes his teeth for, not an exaggeration, at least five minutes every night.
Five: He loves babies and is pretty good at making them.
Four: The only sport that he watches on TV is the tour de France…which, thank goodness, is seasonal—so I pretty much have his undivided attention for at least 11 months out of the year.
Three: He will only take me to movies that will make me physically ill during the inevitable “artistically shot” action sequence--a.k.a. “some guy with a camera running around following the actors, jumping off of buildings, and—for extra measure—shaking the camera ferociously.” Case in point: Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, and Bourne Ultimatum (no kidding, in one of them…I had to leave the theater during some really long car chase scene…in my defense, I was pregnant and we were sitting on the FRONT row).
Two: He makes sure that he turns his shirts right-side-out before he puts them in the laundry—so that I don’t have to as I’m folding.
One: He takes care of us with all of his heart and all of his soul…and we LOVE him for that.
So, for what it’s worth, Happy Valentine’s Day.
I know, it’s not a road bike.