Friday, April 18, 2008

A Conversation in the car

On the way home from school today while listening to NPR's "Science Friday:"

Me: Canyon, did you know that they're talking about science.

Canyon: (who currently wants to be a scientist who studies Antarctica) What's science?

Me: It's what scientists study.

Alice: Mommy, that's potty talk.

Me: (as if I, myself, am 2 1/2) No it's not.

Canyon: Oh.


Brooke said...

That's a beautiful story. Alice is right, you know.

sadie said...

Can you blame Alice? She's been traumatized. Of course everything relates to "potty" talk.

daisy said...

Funny. I sure like that Alice.

J Bentham said...

Alice IS right. I hate Science Friday. Why don't they have Library Science Friday? I think I'd even prefer Medieval Persian Poetry Friday to Science Friday. Bad memories. Find a happy place...

Lisa said...

aaaaah. Thanks for the laugh.

That WAS very definitive of you -- "science is what scientists study". hmmm. Brilliant.