It’s official…the first day of school has come and gone. The dreaded first day of kindergarten with Canyon is, even now, fading from our psyches. It was a whirlwind of a day beginning with waking up to a sign in our yard that said: “Welcome, Canyon, to Kindergarten. We’re so glad you’re with us. LVCS.” So, out loud I’m like, wow that’s neat that they put signs out for every kindergartener—but inside I can’t believe that some parent has the time or energy to run around at midnight on the night before school to place 100 signs. Call me old fashioned…I guess I don’t need the fluff. I think the day was a bit overwhelming for him, when I picked him up he was on the verge of tears and saying things like, “I think my teacher didn’t feel good because none of her friends were there.” It took me hours to decipher that that was a reference to preschool and the four teachers, opposed to just one now. However, by the end of the day he was recalling his first day fondly and telling everyone that he loved his new teacher. So that evening as I was attempting to hurry everyone to bed, I explained that we needed to go to bed so we could get up for school:
Canyon: “again?”
Me: “yes, we have school everyday.”
C: “Oh.” Pause and then a not exactly enthusiastic but more of a matter-of-fact tone: “ok.”
I guess I failed as a parent to prepare my son for what, exactly, kindergarten is…but by now, I believe that he’s getting the idea. Alice, on the other hand, does not get it because every morning she gets dressed and puts on her backpack (or pack-pack as she likes to call it) and announces, “I ready for school.” Oh, poor Alice…she still has three more years in the prison we fondly call…home.
Lily also had a great day. She is looping (which means she has the same classmates and teacher for two years) and so it was a great day because, other than a summer at home, no transition. She jumped right back into the swing of things and was certainly the most popular girl in her class because of the four gruesome stitches sewn right above her eyebrow (all I’ll say is that it was an incident involving a swinging gate, children, very little grown-up supervision, and things that children do).
I have pictures, I’ll post later. So how was your first day of school?