Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Well, it’s official, we have a new obsession. Of course, the new obsession doesn’t vary far from the old and neverending “pirates” fixation: it being, of course, “Goonies.” Now I know that all you parents out there know exactly what I’m talking about because we, ourselves, were once Goonies. What seven dollars at Target will get you is pure giddiness and neverending discussion about treasure maps, fugitives, one-eyed Willie, Chunk, Goonies, caves, wishing wells, secret waterslides, dynamite, and a treasure loaded pirate ship. Canyon’s been searching for a treasure map ever since. Bonus feature: a movie that we can all enjoy. So net-flix it or rummage around for it in the Target $7 movie bin…make some popcorn, sit back and enjoy.

We are feverishly trying to enjoy the last few magical moments of summer…mourning the beginning of the extreme business school brings. We’re spending as much time at the lake as possible and trying to pretend that in a few short days we’ll be spending our time at school (kids) or driving to and from school (me & babies).


Papa said...

Sounds fun! Our summer "set" last Wednesday. Since then...meetings. Finally today I get to "teach."

sadie said...

Canyon's got good taste: Swiss Family Robinson, Goonies, Pirates of the Carribbean. I've made Christian watch Swiss Family Robinson twice since I got home from California, so maybe it's time to make a Goonies switch. Keep me updated on "Canyon's Picks".